Follow one of these two procedures to generate a flashcard deck for upload. You can either use our JSON-based deck generator or create the deck structure manually.

Method 1: Create a deck from JSON

Use this method to quickly generate a deck using our automated tools. Simply:

  1. Review the example JSON configuration below
  2. Modify the content to match your needs while maintaining the same structure
  3. Click "Generate Deck" to create your flashcard deck
  4. Your deck will automatically download as a ZIP file ready for upload

The example below shows a Spanish learning deck. You can customize the voice settings, language codes, and content to create decks for any language pair.

See Google's docs for supported voice parameters

Method 2: Create a deck manually

If you prefer to create your deck manually or need more control over the audio files, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new directory on your computer for your deck
  2. Structure your files following the format shown below
  3. Add your audio files and metadata for each card
  4. Compress (zip) the entire directory
  5. Upload the resulting ZIP file using the deck upload form

Required Directory Structure:

├── metadata.json
├── card1/
│   ├── audio.m4a
│   └── metadata.json
├── card2/
│   ├── question.m4a
│   ├── answer.m4a
│   └── metadata.json
└── ...

Root metadata.json structure:

Place this file in the root of your deck directory:

  "title": "Example deck name",
  "ietfLanguageTagForAnswers": "fr-FR"

Card Metadata Examples

For audio-only cards, use this metadata.json:

  "type": "audio"

For practice cards, use this metadata.json:

  "type": "practice",
  "correct_answer": "example answer"

Note: Ensure all audio files are in M4A format and metadata files are properly formatted JSON. The directory name (base-folder) can be anything you choose.