Follow one of these two procedures to generate a flashcard deck for upload. You can either use our JSON-based deck generator or create the deck structure manually.
Method 1: Create a deck from JSON
Use this method to quickly generate a deck using our automated tools. Simply:
- Review the example JSON configuration below
- Modify the content to match your needs while maintaining the same structure
- Use an LLM (ChatGPT, Claude, etc) to auto-generate a lesson starting from this example prompt
- Export some other flashcard deck from an application like Anki and use an LLM to convert it to this format starting from this example prompt
- Click "Generate Deck" to create your flashcard deck
- Your deck will automatically download as a ZIP file ready for upload
The example below shows a Spanish learning deck. You can customize the voice settings, language codes, and content to create decks for any language pair.
See Google's docs for supported voice parameters
Method 2: Create a deck manually
If you prefer to create your deck manually or need more control over the audio files, follow these steps:
- Create a new directory on your computer for your deck
- Structure your files following the format shown below
- Add your audio files and metadata for each card
- Compress (zip) the entire directory
- Upload the resulting ZIP file using the deck upload form
Required Directory Structure:
base-folder/ ├── metadata.json ├── card1/ │ ├── audio.m4a │ └── metadata.json ├── card2/ │ ├── question.m4a │ ├── answer.m4a │ └── metadata.json └── ...
Root metadata.json structure:
Place this file in the root of your deck directory:
{ "title": "Example deck name", "ietfLanguageTagForAnswers": "fr-FR" }
Card Metadata Examples
For audio-only cards, use this metadata.json:
{ "type": "audio" }
For practice cards, use this metadata.json:
{ "type": "practice", "correct_answer": "example answer" }
Note: Ensure all audio files are in M4A format and metadata files are properly formatted JSON. The directory name (base-folder) can be anything you choose.